The Short Track

From: $229.00

$229.00 for The Short Track (42″-54″) for 10 guests. Each additional guest $23.00.
$100.00 Deposit to Hold Date
A minimum of 7 Days Advance Notice Required When Booking Birthday Party. Party is NOT confirmed until you receive a confirmation phone call from our party staff.



Everyone is a winner when they cross the finish line in our Short Track Go-Kart. Just pick the time slot, either 11am or 12pm  and we'll do the rest.

Party meets at the Carousel Building.


  • Party chaperone to greet guests at carousel building
  • Full lunch includes pizza, beverage and ice cream (Unless Runaway Rapids option is chosen, then lunch will be hamburger or hotdog, french fries and beverage)
  • Free arcade game card for every guest
  • Only two (2) starting times available: 11am or 12pm
  • FREE surprise gift for birthday child
  • Gift Cards CAN NOT be used as payment for party

**NO outside food/drink or coolers allowed**

Please check our operating calendar before booking your party.  Parties cannot be booked on days we are not open.

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